Wholehearted Doula Offerings

Thank you for considering me as your potential doula. I am so honoured you're here and acknowledge you for taking a step in the direction of a divine birth and postpartum experience.

What we do in our time together is so much more than what I can put down into a few words. So please know that my offerings are curated to suit your needs. If anything is standing out that you wish to dive deeper into, let me know and we will go there. Each journey with every family is a completely different experience, it is my highest priority to nurture and hold in a way that feels nourishing for you.

Gather and Surrend // Nurture and Tend

The Full Pregnancy, Birth, Postpartum and Placenta Package



4 in-person prenatal dates where we spend our time gathering

Labour and mindset preparation

I will take the time to understand what is important to you. We will dive into the visions you hold for your own journey, explore the physiology of birth, unpack interventions/policies/protocols and have you feeling prepared and holding the the true power of your own decision making.

Birth Mapping session

Birth Mapping is all about knowing what questions to ask, freedom to explore your options and thoroughly understanding the various pathways and how they intertwine on your journey so that you have all the power to make informed decisions. This session is perfect for partners to be involved in as this tangible hands on knowledge is so powerful for them to know as well.

A beautiful fear release ritual

Together we will unpack your beliefs and fears, we will hold a "letting go of fear" ritual and re-write any deep seated beliefs around birth with positive, healing affirmations that you can take with you throughout your pregnancy, birth and postpartum. So you feel completely calm and in complete trust of your body.

Debriefing any previous experiences

Every experience is unique and impacts us differently. I will hold the space for you to tell your story, unpack how it happened and why certain decisions were made. I will be a witness as you talk through any feelings you're having around your story and honour you for the journey you have already walked. This doesn't necessary mean you have to of given birth previously - there are many experiences for us to explore here - menarche, early loss, sexual trauma to name but a few. Each having an impact on your birthing journey.

Post-partum planning and village building

Postpartum planning starts during pregnacy and we will spend time to plan out your dream postpartum, look at building your circle of support, we can start a mealtrain, and getting deep on what being nurtured during postpartum looks like for you. I will also share resources for you and your partner to approach postpartum with shared expectations.

Gifts and surprises to remind you of the birthing goddess that you are

Extremely intentional, personal gifts designed to make you feel held and loved on this incredible journey of yours.

Access to my full lending library

Access my full library of pregnancy, birth and postpartum specific books to assist you with knowledge on your journey.

Unlimited phone and text support throughout. I am here for you

You have me in your back pocket to reach out with any updates, questions, concerns or to just talk something through. Pregnancy is a time of deep self inquiry and having a soundboard can be all you need to reflect on and making sense of these internal thoughts.

Birth Attendance holding you in surrendering

On call from 38 weeks

I go on call from 38 weeks and any sign of labour, we are in contact. As soon as you feel things shift and feel the extra pull of support, I come to you. For hospital births, this does include labour support for as long as possible at home too.

In person birth attendance

Once I am with you, I intuitively work to ensure that you are held, loved on and supported, ensuring your birth wishes are upheld. After baby is earth side, and placenta is birthed, I honour your golden hour, I help assist you in showering, providing you nourishing food to help support recovery. Once everything is settled, I will stay with you for those first few hours until you are satisfied you have everything you need.

Set up of birth space

Think cosy, warm, dim with fairy lights, affirmations, music, diffuser - whatever it is that you desire, I will create.

Use of my Birth Sling, TENS Machine and other Birthy Items in my Toolkit

A birth sling is a beautiful tool from my birth kit that you can utilise for you to be comfortable and upright and actively working with your body during your labour.

A TENS Machine is a nerve stimulant used on the lower back which helps to block the transmission of pain. I have the Elle TENS 2 in my kit for your use.

Essential Oils

Such a useful tool to use during birth, I have specific oils to contribute with supporting surges, creating the perfect atmosphere, aid in reducing nausea, increase your energy levels and so much more.

Partner Support

Their experience, although different to yours, is just as valid and important too. Often I see partners freeze and unsure about their role or what to do, my role is in gently suggesting how to support you best and making sure they are supported and feeling safe as well.

3 postpartum visits providing loved up nurturing

Approx 3 hours each visit, to be used within the first 6 weeks

My mother-led approach means that each visit is unique and suited to your needs on the day. We will always start with a hot cuppa and a check-in, from there we can continue chatting if it is emotional support that you need and we can address any postpartum challenges that may be coming up. For example, potential feeding issues, newborn behaviour/sleep, your physical recovery. If I don't have the answers, I have someone that will. I can prepare a beautiful foot soak or even a bath and I can hold baby while you eat, shower or rest. If it is light housework, running local errands or even a helping hand to attend an appointment, I can help out here. And the older siblings and pets will also get plenty of attention too.

Being led by you means that it is an opportunity for me to meet you where you are at and assess exactly what you need to feel supported.

Providing beautifully nourishing snacks and meals

Food is a love language of mine and each postpartum visit will include a variety of meals and snacks (generally two main meals and two snacks) specifically designed to nourish your postpartum journey. I am flexible to meet certain dietary requirements and all food is prepared using, grass fed and finished (meat), spray free (fruit and veg) and organic where possible. Between my visits and my meals, this is where I highly recommend a meal train too and I can set all this up for you.

Birth debrief

Birth debriefing is such an important practice as it is the opportunity to tell your story. Birth stories are a huge part of our life experience and are a way to make sense of it and integrate the event into our lives. Whether you are ready to tell your story within the first 6-8 weeks, or need more time for this, I will create the space for you. Often we aren't ready until 12 months down the track and this is absolutely ok! I will honour this space for you no matter when the timing feels right for you.

Yoni steaming

Yoni steaming is a beautiful practice utilising plant medicine to reconnect back to your body and womb. This involves sitting on a throne over a bowl of steamed herbs specific for helping to alleviate any inflammation and tenderness to your yoni after birth and provide a loving energetic cleanse. It is a beautiful way to take 20 minutes with a cuppa and bickie and healing this sacred part of yourself.

Unlimited phone and text support throughout

The unlimited phone and text support doesn't end in pregnancy. I will be right there for you to lean on throughout those early postpartum weeks. Any questions, concerns, anything, I am here for you.

Placenta tending

Placenta Encapsulation

Within this Pregnancy, Birth, Postpartum and Placenta doula package, you have full access to my skills as a placenta specialist. If you are wanting to encapsulate your placenta, it will come home with me after the birth where I will gently tend to the preparation of your capsules in the method of your choice (either Raw Start, Traditional or Half and Half). It will then be delivered back to you 48 hours post birth (usually with the first visit or a food/coffee drop off).

Cord Keepsake

This special umbilical cord keepsake serves as a beautiful visual of the connection that will always be between mother and baby.

Placenta Tincture

A beautiful unique remedy of your very own to be used during times of stress and transition throughout your entire life. This intentionally prepared remedy will last a lifetime.

Framed Placenta Print

A carefully curated keepsake using the blood from your placenta, printed onto artist paper, leaving a stunning tree of life image. The end result is then thoughtfully framed, calling you to honour the life giving organ that was a source of nurturing for your baby inside the womb.

Alternative Placenta Options

If placenta encapsulation isn't your thing, I can assist you with preparing a placenta burial with a beautiful ceremony as a way of honouring it's life giving force.


Postpartum Only Package



1 Post-partum planning and village building session before baby arrives

Postpartum planning starts during pregnacy and we will spend time to plan out your dream postpartum, look at building your circle of support, we can start a mealtrain, and getting deep on what being nurtured during postpartum looks like for you. I will also share resources for you and your partner to approach postpartum with shared expectations.

4 postpartum visits providing loved up nurturing

Approx 2-3 hours each visit, to be used within the first 8 weeks

My mother-led approach means that each visit is unique and suited to your needs on the day. We will always start with a hot cuppa and a check-in, from there we can continue chatting if it is emotional support that you need and we can address any postpartum challenges that may be coming up. For example, potential feeding issues, newborn behaviour/sleep, your physical recovery. If I don't have the answers, I have someone that will. I can prepare a beautiful foot soak or even a bath and I can hold baby while you eat, shower or rest. If it is light housework, running local errands or even a helping hand to attend an appointment, I can help out here. And the older siblings and pets will also get plenty of attention too.

Being led by you means that it is an opportunity for me to meet you where you are at and assess exactly what you need to feel supported.

Providing beautifully nourishing snacks and meals

Food is a love language of mine and each postpartum visit will include a variety of meals and snacks (generally two main meals and two snacks) specifically designed to nourish your postpartum journey. I share a list of nourishing recipes that I love, for you to choose from. I am flexible to meet certain dietary requirements and all food is prepared using spray free and organic where possible. Between my visits and my meals, this is where I highly recommend a meal train too and I can set all this up for you.

Birth debrief

Birth debriefing is such an important practice as it is the opportunity to tell your story. Birth stories are a huge part of our life experience and are a way to make sense of it and integrate the event into our lives. Whether you are ready to tell your story within the first 6-8 weeks, or need more time for this, I will create the space for you.

Yoni steaming

Yoni steaming is a beautiful practice utilising plant medicine to reconnect back to your body and womb. This involves sitting on a throne over a bowl of steamed herbs specific for helping to alleviate any inflammation and tenderness to your yoni after birth and provide a loving energetic cleanse. It is a beautiful way to take 20 minutes with a cuppa and bickie and healing this sacred part of yourself.

Unlimited phone and text support throughout

I will be right there for you to lean on throughout those early postpartum weeks. Any questions, concerns, anything, I am here for you.

Additional visits can be added for $200 per visit

Gold Coast birth postpartum doula placenta specialist


Placenta Only Packages

Gold Coast birth postpartum doula placenta specialist

Next steps? Let’s meet!

For doula support, I believe taking the time for us to meet in person is so important for feeling into the relationship. We can meet at a cafe or share a picnic blanket and see where our vibes take us. This is a no obligation catch up.